A terminal illness in a parent can cause financial ruin.
We help San Diego parents plan for their family’s financial future after they have been diagnosed terminally ill.
This allows the survivor to focus on saying their goodbyes and begin putting their lives back together.
You Can help
support a family through your charitable donation, by volunteering for a committee, or joining our network of Estate Attorneys and Financial Advisors.
Get involved to make a difference.
A lost income paired with a lack of life insurance will cause great hardship for families.
That’s why we focus on helping San Diegans navigate the intricacies of a terminal diagnosis.
Navigating the terminal illness of a spouse is soul crushing and can become even more devastating when it causes financial hardship. A few difficulties that arise from widowhood include:
decreased income for the surviving partner
financial uncertainty
coping with the pressure of caring for children alone
navigating the process of ending a life
dealing with the pressure of the outside world
grieving the end of a planned future

It is our sole purpose to ease the burden caused by spousal loss.
Providing these families with a financial grant can help them focus on their grief journey without being rushed back to work. Giving the surviving parent time to grieve with their kids and seek out the help they need to heal the trauma.
An estate plan put into place before the death of a spouse will protect assets and streamline the transfers of titles, deeds, and other valuable assets.
With the help of a dedicated financial advisor, our Honu Families will have a plan and budget put in place. They will also have a clear picture of their net value and visibility on how to best manage their finances.

Our approach is focused on supporting the surviving family members and helping them heal.
Honu was born from a Love Story…
John and Angela Hicks with their two girls.
The garage door to the vacant condo next to mine opened, "Oooh, new neighbors," I yelled to my roommate. We ran to the window and found ourselves pleasantly surprised by the two cute guys standing downstairs in the driveway. Little did I know, at 22 years old on that beautiful day of August 2002, I was about to meet my future husband. Celeste and I headed downstairs and I found myself face to face with the man who would become my partner in life and the father to our beautiful little girls. John Hicks, he said as he shook my hand. We quickly became friends, born from our mutual adoration, but our relationship beyond that took years to develop. After being good friends for 3 years we decided to start dating and it was another 7 years before we were engaged to be married. A whole decade after that first chance encounter, in the fall of 2012 he popped the question, and the following spring, we tied the knot. In the fall of 2015, we welcomed our first daughter, and in summer 2018, our second daughter joined us. For a year and three quarters, our family was complete.
On April 6, 2020 we celebrated 7 years of marriage, just weeks after our country essentially shut down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It wasn't our ideal anniversary celebration, out on the town, alone for a few blissful hours. Still, we were safe at home with our girls, and for that, we were thankful. We celebrated happily that evening, clueless that it would be our last. Twenty days later the future we had planned and worked so hard towards for our family would come crashing down around us with one simple but heartbreaking word, Cancer.